Vacay Protection covers the following:
Guest App
Guests can make payments, see property info, browse attractions, claim discounted tickets, and much more in one convenient place.
Damage Coverage
$1,000 per resv.
Bear Tootin will pay up to $1,000 per reservation of intentional or unintentional damages to the property by guests.
Wear & Tear
No Charge
Bear Tootin will replace certain worn items for your property without charging you anything. This includes most of your kitchen items, small appliances, shower curtains, bath mats & so much more. All you have to do is create a work order & attach a photo in your easy to use owners app. To see everything that is covered & what Bear Tootin will pay out to you, go to the "Property Inventory List".
Monthly Maintenance
No Charge
All of your light bulbs, batteries & air filters will be free. All you have to do is stop by our office & pick them up.
Inclement Weather
Reschedule Dates
Bear Tootin will encourage the guest to reschedule their reservation for a later time & not cancel completely