In my Owners Dashboard….How do I?
Scroll down & find the task you need help with
Scroll down & find the task you need help with
*click on: Owner Details – its the last icon at the top of the page with a person & house on it
*scroll\look: find the big white box at the bottom of the page & type in your desired description
*tip: you can change the font size, color & choose a font style. also add links
*click on: Owner Details – its the 2nd to last icon at the top of the page with the 3 pictures on it
*scroll\look: at the bottom & click “choose file” to add 1 picture at a time or click “[+] Add Multiple Photos” to add several pictures, after your done make sure you scroll to the bottom of the page & click “Submit Photo Gallery“
*tip: you can change the font size, color & choose a font style. also add links
*click on: Photo Gallery – its the 2nd to last icon at the top of the page with the 3 pictures on it
*scroll\look:find the picture you want to delete & over to the right, click the “delete” button
*tip: from top to bottom put your pictures in order & this is how it will be shown on our website \ click on the blue up & down arrows to
*click on:Photo Gallery – its the 2nd to last icon at the top of the page with the 3 pictures
*scroll\look: in the white box next to the picture, put in your description & click “Update Image Caption“
*tip: the guest like to know what is in the picture & the location of the room \ example: 2nd bedroom, located upstairs, king bed
*click on: Guest Feedback – its the 3rd icon from the right side at the top of the page with an orange ! box
*scroll\look: a list of your reviews from our website will show up \ to see more details for each one, click “View” (along the right side) next to the one you want to see
*tip: you will be able to see the date & time it was entered \ the first & last name of the guest that submitted it \ what rating they gave \ the full description of the review
*click on: Maintenance Request its the 4th icon from the right side at the top of the page with a wrench & screw driver on it
*scroll\look: click on “Add Work Order”. Name the work order (such as: water leak – upstairs bathroom). Put in the description and make sure to put in location, details of issue and how it will be taken care of. You can add a picture, receipt, invoice or quote by click on “choose file”, select your attachment and put in your document description.
*tip: it best to always log everything, this way it is time stamped & you have a record of it
*click on: Maintenance Request its the 4th icon from the right side at the top of the page with a wrench & screw driver on it
*scroll\look: a list of all your work orders will show up \ to see more details for each one, click on the magnify & orange pencil (on the left side) next to the one you want to see \ you will see the day & time it was created & the details
*tip: every time time a new work order is entered by anyone (a housekeeper, guest, inspector), you will receive an email instantly with the details. also to view a pictures, click on the tab at the top that says “Pics/Attachments“
*click on: Availability Calendar – its the 4th icon from the left side at the top of the page with a calendar on it or the 3rd icon down on the left side of the screen
*scroll\look: you will see a monthly calendar of dates that are booked & day that are still open
*tip: you can change the “start date” \ you can select how many months you want to see at one time by clicking the “show months box” \ once you have made your selection make sure to click the “View Availability Calendar“
*click on: View Reservations – its the 3rd icon from the left side at the top of the page with a folder & magnify glass on it or the 2nd icon down on the left side of the screen
*scroll\look: you will see a list of all the guest \ when the reservation was entered \ arrival & depart dates \ # of nights booked \ how many guest \ total room rates
*tip: at the top, it will tell you how many reservations you have book (past & future) \ at the bottom it will tell you how many nights you have booked
*click on: Make a Reservations – its the 2nd icon from the left side at the top of the page with a set of keys on it or the 1st icon down on the left side of the screen
*scroll\look: fill in the info & select your dates
*tip: if you want to enter any notes, you can enter them in the Reservation Comments box. Also you can add a flag to the cleaner for things like “late checkout”, ” no clean after”
*click on: Make a Reservations – its the 2nd icon from the left side at the top of the page with a set of keys on it or the 1st icon down on the left side of the screen
*scroll\look: fill in the info & select their dates
*tip: if you want to enter any notes, you can enter them in the Reservation Comments box. Also you can add a flag to the cleaner for things like “late checkout”, ” no clean after”, “VIP friend of owner”
*click on: the 5th (last) icon down on the left side of the screen,
*scroll\look: click on “Choose File”, select the file you want to add, put in your document description like “Tootie’s Cabin – Rental Agreement” and then click “Add Document”. You will see the document in the top part of the screen.
*tip: after you enter the document, make sure you send us a message through your owner dashboard (click on Contact Management) and let us know which document you added & when you want the guest to receive them, such as with this one: when they books a reservation, when the guest receives their cabin info
*click on: the 5th (last) icon down on the left side of the screen,
*scroll\look: click on “Choose File”, select the file you want to add, put in your document description like “Tootie’s Cabin – directions from Pigeon Forge, light #3” and then click “Add Document”. You will see the document in the top part of the screen.
*tip: after you enter the document, make sure you send us a message through your owner dashboard (click on Contact Management) and let us know which document you added & when you want the guest to receive them, such as with this one: when the guest makes their final payment, 10 days before their check in date, etc
*click on: the 5th (last) icon down on the left side of the screen,
*scroll\look: click on “Choose File”, select the file you want to add, put in your document description like “Tootie’s Cabin – Welcome Letter from Owner” and then click “Add Document”. You will see the document in the top part of the screen.
*tip: after you enter the document, make sure you send us a message through your owner dashboard (click on Contact Management) and let us know which document you added & when you want the guest to receive them, such as with this one: when the guest makes their final payment, 10 days before their check in date, etc
*click on: Contact Management, the 6th icon at the top, with the orange & blue arrows
*scroll\look: click on “Add Service Task”, type in you question or issue and then click “Submit a Service Request”. An email will be sent directly to us & we will get back with you asap. You will see our reply in the service task list.
*tip: every service task ticket you entered will be saved & add to the list so you can go back at any time and review.