Step 1
Owner Info Form
This is required personal information to set you up as the property owner..
Step 2
Property Info Form
This is details about your property to help us create your listing..
Step 3
Property Photo's
Log-in your dashboard & add pictures of your property. If you need photos taken by Bear Tootin, you can schedule them with us for $150.
Step 4
3D Tour
Compared to photos and videos, a virtual tour offers a more accurate representation of the property & can be scheduled with Bear Tootin for $250.
Step 5
Property Description
Log-in your dashboard & add your property description..
Step 6
Cleaners & Maintenance
We will create your cleaners & maintenance a login to our Property Care App where they can see scheduled cleans and/or create work orders.
Step 7
Pest Control
We highly recommend you get this for your property. When you sign up through Bear Tootin, you get a discount rate of $65 per mouth which includes general pest (spiders, ants, roaches, wasp, fleas, etc), carpenter bees, and bed bug prevention.